
Last Updated: January 24, 2020

bmJuice.com was founded in the summer of 2018 by me, Brian Mounts, a husband and father to three young children.

As a stay-at-home dad who works on the internet, shuttles kids all around town, prepares the meals, and mows the lawn I started getting interesting in getting healthier and preparing some healthier options for my family in my spare time.

Juicing seemed optimal for me because it was a way to replace a lot of processed juices that my kids always wanted to drink. It also made sense to me that if I juiced more for my own health that I might actually have more energy to do all the things that kids need from their father on a daily basis.

Lastly, juicing seemed like a good thing for me to get involved in because it would offer me a new way to work at home – it allowed me to start this website, growing my own knowledge of the products and allowing me a good way to make a living from home.

On this site you are going to find a lot of personal information on products and techniques written or edited by me. A lot of the information I present will be based on personal experience as I actually use juicers on a near daily basis in my own house.

I don’t typically like sponsorship so I tend to avoid it.

If I am reviewing a product or recommending a product on this site it’s based on my own experiences alone and in many cases many of the products I discuss I’ve personally purchased with my own money.

In 100% of all the content you’ll see on this site I’ve done my best to present information as unbiased and accurately as possible but I do lean towards products that are easier to buy on major retailers sites like Walmart, Target, Amazon, and Sur La Table, etc. After all, these are the places I shop at most, probably just like you do.

If you’d like to learn more about how I work from home and make a living making websites like this as a stay-at-home dad then take a look at my compensation disclosures in the side-bar where I summarize the process while also disclosing my compensation sources.

For the time being I will not be publishing a mailing address, phone number, or email address for this website but I will have a single social media channel available for those that wish to contact me. You can head over to my YouTube page and contact me through the comments there if you need to.
